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When A Tummy Tuck Might Not be Right For You

When A Tummy Tuck Might Not be Right For You

A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is an effective way to achieve your goals for a flatter tummy and a firmer midsection. Your plastic surgeon will repair weakened or damaged abdominal muscle structures and refine your belly contour by removing excess skin and fat. Tummy tuck surgery is one of the top 5 most requested cosmetic surgical procedures in Canada and your doctor likely performs many abdominoplasty procedures each year. But a tummy tuck is not the right solution for everyone who wishes to tighten their tummy and improve their silhouette. These are the reasons that a tummy tuck might not be the right choice for you.

When Is A Tummy Tuck Not The Right Choice?

You Plan To Become Pregnant
During pregnancy, your skin will stretch and you will probably gain weight. Pregnancy can also cause injury to your abdominal muscles as they extend to make room for your growing baby. If you become pregnant after tummy tuck surgery, the results will be compromised and you will likely need another surgery to achieve a flat, toned stomach again. It is best to wait until you are finished having children before choosing abdominoplasty.

You Are Not At An Ideal Weight
Tummy tuck surgery is not a weight loss solution. Every candidate for abdominoplasty is unique, but most surgeons would recommend that you are within 10 pounds of your goal weight or ideal weight and that you have maintained this weight for at least six months before opting for a tummy tuck. Your ideal weight is a weight range that you can easily maintain with your regular eating and exercise habits. To understand the role bodyweight plays in your choice to have a tummy tuck, read Do I Need To Lose Weight Before Abdominoplasty? 

You Do Not Have The Time For Recovery
Although common, a tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure and recovery from abdominoplasty will take some time. During the first week after surgery you will need lots of time to rest and heal. Most patients need to take 10-14 days off of work, you will not be able to drive for 1-2 weeks, and it is inadvisable to bend and lift for at least a week (including picking up and carrying children). If you cannot commit the time to a safe and healthy recovery, a tummy tuck might not be right for you, right now. For more information on the healing journey after a tummy tuck, read A Plastic Surgeon’s Guide To Recovering After Abdominoplasty.

You Have Underlying Or Unmanaged Health Conditions 
As with any surgical procedure, your overall health is a major factor in determining if you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. If you have undiagnosed underlying health concerns or if you have an unmanaged health condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or a bleeding disorder, your plastic surgeon will recommend you take the time to manage your health before opting for abdominoplasty.  

You Do Not Understand The Risks

All health procedures, cosmetic or otherwise, come with some associated risks. The risks related to tummy tuck surgery include:

  • Seroma (fluid accumulation under the skin)
  • Tissue Damage
  • Infection And Poor Wound Healing
  • Unexpected Scarring (there are steps you can take to reduce scarring)
  • Loss Of Skin Sensation Or Increased Skin Sensitivity
  • Risks Associated With General Anaesthetic

If any of these situations apply to you, a tummy tuck might not be the right choice for you, right now. But most of these conditions are temporary or can be resolved with some effort. If time passes and you are ready to explore your options for body contouring again, your plastic surgeon can assess you and determine if you are a good candidate for abdominoplasty

For tips on maintaining your new, sculpted silhouette after abdominoplasty, read
Do I Need to Change My Diet After Abdominoplasty?,
Tips To Keep Your Tummy Flat After a Tummy Tuck, and Exercising After Abdominoplasty.


Learn More About Tummy Tuck Surgery At Alberta Plastic Surgery

A tummy tuck can be a transformative cosmetic surgical procedure to achieve a trimmer, tighter midsection. If you have stubborn deposits of fat that will not go away despite your best efforts with diet and exercise, or if you are unhappy with the appearance of your belly after significant weight loss or pregnancy or due to genetics or aging, tummy tuck surgery might be right for you. Whether you are ready for abdominoplasty right now or you need more information to prepare yourself to be an ideal candidate down the road, book your complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak and explore your options for tummy tuck surgery and other effective body contouring treatments.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at (780) 407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: How many scars will I have after a tummy tuck?
A: All abdominoplasty procedures will result in a horizontal scar across your pelvis and depending on the technique your plastic surgeon uses to make sure you achieve the desired results, you may have a scar around your belly button or you could even have a scar that extends down vertically from your navel. Scars are unavoidable, but you can take care to facilitate healing and minimize scarring. Once healed, your tummy tuck scars will be easily hidden by your underwear or bathing suit.

Q: How long does it take to heal after a tummy tuck?
A: Recovery after tummy tuck surgery is different for everyone and you need to give yourself time to rest and recuperate. But in general, it can take up to six weeks or even longer to fully heal. Most patients can resume all normal activity at about the six-week mark if they have been cleared by their surgeon. Read A Plastic Surgeon's Guide To Recovering After Abdominoplasty for more information.

Q: Why do I still have a belly after my tummy tuck?
A: Abdominal swelling after a tummy tuck is very typical for a cosmetic surgery this extensive. So don’t feel dismayed that your surgery did not work. You can learn more about why your belly is not completely flat after abdominoplasty here.

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